Well, before I get started today I have to apologize for not being more "on top of it". I know it's been a couple of weeks since the last post. I've been unusually busy these last couple weeks, but now I'm organizing my time a little better. I know you've all been waiting on "pins and needles" for me to write a post. ;) Ha Ha! So let's get started.
So the first lecture is called, "The American Mind". Larry P. Arnn, who is the twelfth president of Hillsdale College, presented it. He did a remarkable job and I encourage all, who haven't yet, to listen to it. It's about 47 minutes, so be sure to listen when you have the time. You can go here to register.
Some of the points that I took away from it was first he talked about three words and how they relate to each other. The words are; Constitution. Statue. Statute.
He went on to talk about the meaning of each of them.
Constitution means to ordain or establish something.
Statue is a work of art. He talked a lot about this one. He said, "Art is intentional...just like the Constitution was intentional, it is a work of art. It was written for certain reasons." I also liked how he compared statues to the Constitution by saying that they stand for something, they are symbols of beliefs in some way.
Just like the Constitution is a symbol of our freedom and liberty.
He also asked the questions, "What produces a work of art?" and "What was the cause of the Constitution?" What are the causes of a work of art? He started talking about Micheal Angelo's "David" and how it is made of Marble and how that was the cause of the "David", then he compared it to the cause of the Constitution. The cause was the people. Then he asked "Why was the "David"/Constitution created?" Michael Angelo's love for art and beauty. Then compared that to the Constitution. Why was it created? What made America? The people and place. The people in this place were equal in that they all had to work hard or starve. "What gives America its form?" The Constitution. He then says, "To
understand it, you have read and study it." The President, The Senate,
The House of Representatives, the Courts all operate under the
Constitution. People died for their freedom. They had no idea they could succeed, but they still tried. What moved them to fight for freedom? What moved Michael Angelo to do his art? Love and beauty. "The idea that something Divine would pick something human to be a messenger." What moved the Founding Fathers? They wrote the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson said, "The Declaration of Independence is a statement that moved American people to do the prodigy's they did in founding the country." Things and people are moved to do good.
There were so many other great points that he made, so I urge you, if you haven't already registered for these "free" online classes, to do so now. You will learn so much more about the Constitution than before and come to understand it better. And if you did listen to this lecture, would you please leave a comment telling some of the points or ideas you came away with. I'll be anxious to read those. Until next time, have a great week!
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